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Protect Yourself with Walnut

  Protect yourself with Walnut… Walnut helps with protection from change and outside influences. For new beginnings -  Starting school, moving, new relationships, marriage, divorce, jobs, way of life etc. For new phases in life: To keep you following your own path - it helps you to be true to yourself - your beliefs and ideals without being influenced by the ideals and opinions of others. For protection – to feel safe and protected against other people’s energies, outside influences/ interference, decisions/choices, and protection from environmental causes (allergens/pollutants). To help adjust to changes: career/job, unforeseen circumstances/situation, family dynamics/relationships, time changes,...

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Help your garden grow with the Bach Flowers

Help your garden grow with the Bach FlowersWhen I mention to people that the Bach Flowers can be used for plants, they are often surprised. I use the remedies a lot in the garden, to aid with growing process, wilting, transplanting and infestations.  It is also a good way to use up out of date remedies. Gardening can be challenging, especially with the unsettled colder and wet weather we have been have been experiencing recently. Fortunately, we have a greenhouse and I start some seeds indoors as well.Bach Flowers for plants require some guesswork and if the wrong remedy/remedies are chosen...

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Rescue Yourself with the Bach Flowers

                        Rescue Yourself with the Bach Flowers Feeling stressed, anxious or afraid of an upcoming event (exam, dentist, flying, public speaking), or perhaps you have recently received bad news, or suffered from an unpleasant experience? Fortunately, Dr. Bach created an emergency combination of remedies that is called Rescue Remedy. It is a mix of five different Bach Flower Remedies, which together help deal with any stressful event or emergency. It can restore balance and a sense of calm to help you to regain your composure. Simply take 4 drops or 2 sprays either directly into the mouth as often as...

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A simple system of healing

  A simple system of healing There are only 38 in number, which means it is easier to find the right herbs to give than when there are too many. Dr. Bach Wallingford Lectures I want to make it as simple as this: I am hungry, I will go and pull a lettuce from the garden for my tea, I am frightened and ill, I will take a dose of Mimulus. Dr. Bach Dr. Bach wanted to make his system of remedies to be as simple as possible Only 38 remedies made from non poisonous plants and trees Dosage:  2...

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Finding Universal Love

Finding Universal Love Christmas is drawing closer and for some it is a time of ‘excitement’ and others ‘dread’. There can be so much to do it can become overwhelming and not to mention how much it is all going to cost.The Bach Remedies can assist when we are not in the full ‘Christmas Spirit’ and feeling low, jealous, and all the other emotions that come up with large family gatherings etc. Holly It's not fair. Why did they get the larger room, more frequent visits, numerous holidays, and fancy vehicles?  Not that I am jealous you understand, but I...

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