Easing grief with the Bach Flowers
Grief is a multifaceted response to loss, particularly to the loss of someone or something that has died, to which a bond or affection was formed.
Everyone deals with grief in different ways, and it also depends on the circumstances of your loss.
Sadly I have experienced many encounters with grief when both my parents and our dog passed away over a short period of time. I do believe it takes time to get over grief especially when it is unexpected and you do not have the opportunity to say your farewells.
The Bach Flowers can offer a gently way to help our emotions in times of grief and meet individual needs. Here are some remedies that may help...
Suffering from shock and/or trauma? Star of Bethlehem assists with the distress and unhappiness following a shock and/or trauma (which can be timeless). It can provide comfort and consolation.
Struggling to adapt to change? Walnut helps you to adapt to the change and the ability to move forward. It can also provide protection from outside influences.
Feeling guilty about something you thought you should have done or not done? Pine is for guilt and self-blame and can relieve us from guilty feelings.
Just want to feel miserable and shut yourself off from the outside world? Water Violet is for when you just have to withdraw and seek solace in isolation. It can help bring on the desire to interact with others.
Worried about how the loss can impact other family members or pets? Red Chestnut is for those who are over-concerned for the feelings of loved ones and provides calm and rational concern.
Accepting the way things are and making no effort to change things for the better? Wild Rose is for feelings of apathy, resignation and disinterest in life. It can bring about a renewed and enthusiastic interest in life again.
We now have a floral memorial of hundreds of spring bulbs for my parents and dogs, each one representing a year of their lives. Every spring we have a splash of colour to remind us of them all.
©Sarah Brune.