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Finding our Direction in Life

In this day and age is it particularly hard to figure out what we want to do with our lives, especially for the young. Wild Oat is a particularly helpful remedy to help us to find our direction in life.

Extract from Bach Flower Reflections by Sarah Brune
Wild Oat
It's time for another adventure. I am getting itchy feet, and I am bored with this dead-end job. There is a whole world out there that needs to be explored, interesting places to visit, another mountain to climb, and maybe I could combine my trip with voluntary work. Oh, to be free again, nobody telling me what to do, free as a kite blowing in the wind. Maybe one day I will figure out what I really want to do with my life. It is on the tip of my tongue.  In the mean time, I will stick a pin in the map and off I will go until something more interesting comes along.

At last it has come to me; I know exactly what I want to do. Thank you, Wild Oat.  The funny thing is, it was staring me in the face all along.  Without knowing it, I wrote down where I wanted to live in a friend's visitors book, and the move actually materialized.  Wow, I am actually happy now living on a beautiful island, working and having found the man of my dreams.

Straggling looking Wild Oat grows in hedgerows and wooded areas, and by the roadside, helping those lost to find their way.  Tall thin grass with a drooping head, it scatters its seeds wherever the wind takes them.


Full list of 38 remedies

Rescue Remedy

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