Finding Joy with the Bach Flowers
The festive season is upon us and for some it brings feelings of joy and for others a sense of dread and you may feel more frantic than festive.
To help you feel more ‘festive’ the Bach flowers can assist with making you feel more relaxed and joyful.
Rescue Remedy is for when you are feeling anxious and stressed and assists with peace, focus, patience, and calmness.
Beech helps with tolerance and the acceptance of others.
Elm helps you to put things into perspective when you are feeling overwhelmed.
Holly protects us from everything that is not ‘universal’ love and eases feelings of hatred, envy, jealous, and spite.
Oak is for when we are exhausted and need to take time off to relax and look after ourselves.
Walnut helps to protect us from change and outside influences.
Merry Christmas!
Full list of 38 remedies
The festive season is upon us and for some it brings feelings of joy and for others a sense of dread and you may feel more frantic than festive.
To help you feel more ‘festive’ the Bach flowers can assist with making you feel more relaxed and joyful.
Rescue Remedy is for when you are feeling anxious and stressed and assists with peace, focus, patience, and calmness.
Beech helps with tolerance and the acceptance of others.
Elm helps you to put things into perspective when you are feeling overwhelmed.
Holly protects us from everything that is not ‘universal’ love and eases feelings of hatred, envy, jealous, and spite.
Oak is for when we are exhausted and need to take time off to relax and look after ourselves.
Walnut helps to protect us from change and outside influences.
Merry Christmas!
Full list of 38 remedies